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A.C.A. § 7-4-102 states that in January of each odd-numbered year members of the county board of election commissioners shall be elected by their respective county committees. The County Board of Election Commissioners consists of three (3) members:
Two (2) members elected by the county committee of the majority party; and
One (1) member elected by the county committee of the minority party
The current list of county election commissioners reflects the following information:
Commissioners elected in 2022 (as noted with an asterisk). A copy of their Oath of Office has been received by our office; and
All other commissioners as of December 31, 2021, in which our office has not yet received information reflecting the 2021 election for these positions.
A.C.A. § 7-1-101(17) defines the majority party as the political party in the State of Arkansas whose candidates were elected to a majority of the constitutional offices of this state in the last preceding general election. A.C.A. § 7-1-101(20) defines the minority party as the political party whose candidates were elected to less than a majority of the constitutional offices of this state in the last preceding general election or the political party that polled the second greatest number of votes for the office of Governor in the last preceding general election if all of the elected constitutional officers of this state are from a single political party.
Each of the 75 counties in the State of Arkansas has a County Board of Election Commissioners responsible for conducting elections within its respective county. The County Boards’ responsibilities include:
- altering the boundaries of existing election precincts,
- establishing new election precincts,
- establishing a polling site for each election precinct,
- selecting and appointing election officials,
- providing public notice of the time and polling sites for holding elections,
- providing public notice of the candidates and offices to be elected,
- providing ballots for absentee and early voting and voting on election day,
- providing election supplies to the election officials,
- completing a canvass of the returns of any election,
- certifying the results of elections, and
- providing a recount of the returns upon the petition of a candidate.